Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oprah goes vegan!

Well, for 21 days, anyway! Oprah is doing a 21 day cleanse, in which she's eliminating all animal products from her diet, along with caffeine, sugar, alcohol and gluten. This cleanse comes out of Kathy Freston's Quantum Wellness. Here's what Oprah has to say...

How can you say you're trying to spiritually evolve, without even a thought about what happens to the animals whose lives are sacrificed in the name of gluttony?

Read more here at Oprah's blog...also check out's podcasts related to Oprah's challenge...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B.F.D. !!! She could use a SALAD OR TWO!!! Her weight is like the Yo-Yo I used to play with as a kid.