Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is the big 2-9. I'm eager to celebrate the last year of my twenties! Since Eric is working tonight and I wouldn't see him til late, he gave me my gifts last night. He got me two really awesome gifts.

The first is a pet goat. Well, sort of. Her name is Cathy and she's a rescue but she won't live with us. She resides at Farm Sanctuary and she'll thrive thanks to their care and Eric's $$$! She's one of these goats, not sure which one yet. I should be getting some color photos and adoption info within a couple of days.

Are you all wondering what my other gift is? Eric drove all over the place calling lots of different stores to get one for me. Then when he finally secured one, he traded in a lot of his precious dvds to be able to actually buy it for me!

It's a Nintendo Wii! Yippee! I'm having a very happy birthday so far!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Jesser said...

Yay! Happy b'day to you. Excellent presents, I must say. Hope you get more use out of your Wii than we have out of ours! It is way fun, but we've got a 17 lb time sucker at the house right now. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello, lovely! I read your blog. Aren't you proud!?

Love you!

Your dear sister,