Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Flavor of Love

Last winter, I caught a couple episodes of VH1's Strange Love. Ah...the night and day romance between Flavor Flav and Brigitte Nielson. That was one surreal reality show. (Fun fact: they met on the Surreal Life) Well, as you may or may not know, that romance didn't last. Brigitte married somebody else. So, now, single ladies, Flavor Flav is back on the market! Check him out in the ghetto-fabulous version of the Bachelor. The show is titled The Flavor of Love and I caught episode one. There are fifteen chicks left who consider this guy a real teeth, big clock and all...I would suggest watching the show for its amusement factor alone!

1 comment:

Miss President said...

Ahhh! My parents, strangely, were found watching "strange love" on several different occasions in my house... strangely fascinating and disturbing. Didn't Brigitte marry Matti, the other (younger) guy in the show? I almost watched Flava Flave last night... it's bizarrely intriguing to watch the little man with the big clock and all of the shiny girls...