Sunday, January 15, 2006

A Good, Good Weekend.

So it was a good, good weekend.

Friday night, I hung out with Robin and my sister, Ashley. We went to this great coffeehouse in Montclair called Cafe Eclectic. It was fun and relaxing. I enjoyed my vanilla chai latte! It was fun to hang out with two of my favorite girls! Robin slept over too. Saturday, I spent the day cleaning my room. Now don't keel over from the shock! Saturday night, I had pizza, beer and good times with Andy, Dennis, Big Mike and Jenn. After the unexpected snowstorm, Jenn spent the night. Two sleepovers in two nights! Yay, it was great!

Ok, you're all waiting for the latest in the dating news, right? went really well...he came over this afternoon around 12:30....met my family and pets...we went out for lunch and shopping. We came back for video games and tv-watching. Then...dinner with my folks! Scott (yes he has a name!)even pleased my dad by watching the football game with him! So things are going great....and I'm really very happy! Yay! Yay! Yay!!!

1 comment:

Miss President said...

Yay! Congrats! :) Be sure to keep us all updated!