Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Strange but True

Well, since my Monday afternoon doctor visit, I have been spending great amounts of time knitting and watching television. Hello? Is this me? I'm actually doing pretty well with the knitting considering the fact that I just learned how yesterday!

On Sunday, I bought this hilarious book (for 99 cents), Think You're the Only One?: Oddball Groups Where Outsiders Fit In. The funny thing is that Monday evening, I spoke with Jennifer and discovered she bought the same book on the same day! She blogged about it as well and has links to some of the funny groups in this book so check her blog out!

Another really funny book which I don't own but highly enjoy is Food Court Druids, Cherohonkees and Other Creatures Unique to the Republic. You can read about these groups through this book and the hilarious website that goes with it. You could be a silver surfer, an asphalt ranger, a flexisexual or a TGIF. Check this book out the next time you are at Barnes and Nobles, you will pee your pants with laughter.

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